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 Movies that the box office loves, critics love - and the rest of us hate!

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Male Number of posts : 172
Age : 42
Location : Canberra, Australia
Registration date : 2009-03-31

Movies that the box office loves, critics love - and the rest of us hate! Empty
PostSubject: Movies that the box office loves, critics love - and the rest of us hate!   Movies that the box office loves, critics love - and the rest of us hate! EmptyFri Jul 03, 2009 3:01 am

Okay, after writing the review of Transformers 2 you can guess where I'm going. But here's another case of a huge Hollywood blockbuster that really is just a diamond-studded turd.

True, this isn't a movie that is critically acclaimed, but oh well...

So what movies do you hate with a passion, but it seems that everyone else loves.

To answer both criteria as in the topic line, for me it'd probably be -
Well, to kick it off, Cast Away. I should have put Tom Hanks on my 'hated list'. Well, he's not that bad, but his nasally voice is so constant through his movies that it's hard to tell what movie he's in. In Cast Away I couldn't stand seeing the less character-driven, too-much-Tom Lost. I can't even add any more to that...I just can't!

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Movies that the box office loves, critics love - and the rest of us hate!
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