The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
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Dedicated to the late great martial artist Lam Ching Ying
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 Hello again!...

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Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-12-02

Hello again!... Empty
PostSubject: Hello again!...   Hello again!... EmptyWed Dec 02, 2009 3:29 pm

hey how is everyone?

i hadn't been to the site in a looong time so, popped over to have a look. I was surprised when i couldn't log in to the forum, even more surprised when i couldn't get a password reminder, and then realised that i needed to re-register. doh!

anyway, i've been pretty much off of the forums in a long time (except for the odd visit to the far east films site really)

what's everyone else up to? i hope everyone's well, and hello to anyone on here who i don't know yet!
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