The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
The Place for Lam Ching Ying Fans
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Dedicated to the late great martial artist Lam Ching Ying
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Female Number of posts : 168
Age : 55
Location : Long Island/NY
Registration date : 2009-03-01

AliveNotDead Empty
PostSubject: AliveNotDead   AliveNotDead EmptyMon Apr 20, 2009 7:41 pm

I set up a Tribute page on the site called AliveNotDead. excited


This is an online community dedicated to helping artists, especially Hong Kong artist and to keep the HK film and art industry alive.

Hope you like it and if I may I would suggest you my Podcast on Fire friends to set up a page there. It is a growing community, it is worth it! girl yes
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