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 Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate

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Male Number of posts : 172
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Location : Canberra, Australia
Registration date : 2009-03-31

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyThu Jun 11, 2009 7:14 am

I tried to post this topic before but my computer rudely died and lost everything, so hopefully my previous attempted post hasn't gone out somewhere into cyberspace to come back and haunt me.

We've all done it. Mingled with educated groups of movers and shakers. We've charmed them and smoozed them with our charm and 'smooze'. We're entertaining everyone with our witty banter and then it slips out. "Say, isn't Hollywood Hogan an excellent actor?" A deathly silent deafens you which is only broken with bemused expressions and laughter at your expense.

So here's now a place for us to make our sordid confessions. Personally, for me it's not Hollywood/Hulk Hogan I'm ashamed to admit liking (he's a total toss) --- it's Jean Claude Van Damme.

Yes, I know, I know. Yes, he got knocked out by his own security guard. Yes, he flashes his arse in almost every movie. Yes, his movies now go straight to DVD.

But, I still think he's an excellent kicker. His ability hasn't been as badly affected by age as others (presumably because he really does rely on it to stay employed). His movies has also actually improved despite his slumping career and sliding popularity. There's actual plots in most cases (!) and funnily, I think his acting is improving.

I'm not a fanboy or anything of the Van Damme, but he is an actor I hate to admit to liking.

...and what of actors/actresses I love to hate? Easy, Steven Seagal.

It's hard to believe he was once getting paid something like $16 million a film and training the stars of Hollywood. Whereas now, his movies are also straight to video, though of a declining quality.

Here is just the short-list of things I really don't like about Mr Seagal:
- Since the late 90s early 00s, all his movies seemingly are about him getting revenge on someone for killing his wife/son/brother/friend
- He essentially holds the one expression in most movies
- His voice doesn't vary much neither, even when threatening people
- Fight scenes are either 3 seconds with Steven killing assailant x through some kind of bone-breakage; or more drawn out through repetitive cuts of him flailing his arms about like a 5 year old

Oh I so hate Mr Seagal, and am proud too!

Anyone else care to vent?
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Male Number of posts : 62
Age : 36
Location : Baku,Azerbaijan
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyThu Jun 11, 2009 7:54 am

I like Van Damme.Anyway his older movies were great for me.
But i never liked Seagal.Only one reason- he's too proud on his films.Like you stated he kicks asses only for 3-4 seconds which seems too funny.
There are more actors i don't like,but only one whom i hate so much.-Richard Gereeee., no he's Richard Grizzly. Evil or Very Mad
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Drunken Master

Drunken Master

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Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyThu Jun 11, 2009 12:20 pm

Have you seen "JCVD " ? Proof that Van Damme can act if ever there was some. I too enjoy the Muscles From Brussels and not just his earlier films. Some of his straight to DVD fims are pretty good. "In Hell " and "Wake Of Death " are very good.

As for Steven Seagal....... I liked "Under Seige " and that is about as much as I can take. Way too full of himself most of the time and always pretending his fims have a message. Pretentious is a word that springs to mind.

I do find a few actors a little irritating, but I can't think of any I really dislike to the point of naming..... apart from perhaps Dean Shek. But I'm always slagging him off. flag of truce1
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Male Number of posts : 172
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Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyFri Jun 19, 2009 5:40 am

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate 6fea4a40560e0fa4b77f4dc9683b2e43

Had to share this.
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Female Number of posts : 168
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Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyFri Jun 19, 2009 7:26 am

Oh Jeez I love this! excellent funnyshit
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Male Number of posts : 37
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Location : Long Island/New York
Registration date : 2009-03-29

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyFri Jun 19, 2009 9:09 am

That Seagal chart is hysterical! clown

I think my list would be a long one... people who range from extremely irritating to "no longer offering anything relevant to entertainment in general."

  1. Hugh Grant
  2. Richard Gere
  3. Adam Sandler
  4. JCVD
  5. Will Ferrell
  6. Jimmy Fallon
  7. Jack Black
  8. The ENTIRE cast of "Twilight." Vampires should be menacing, evil and terrifying. Not whiny metrosexuals.
  9. American Idol (a rash on America's behind, if you ask me)
  10. 50 Cent (Do these last two count as actors/entertainers?)

I could go on, but I'll spare everyone the madness.... lol!

Hey, did any of you ever hear the Chuck Zito vs. JCVD story? It's hysterical... if not, I'll tell the tale as I heard it on the radio...
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Male Number of posts : 62
Age : 36
Location : Baku,Azerbaijan
Registration date : 2009-03-30

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyFri Jun 19, 2009 4:44 pm

Raoul, that's very funny. lol!
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Male Number of posts : 172
Age : 42
Location : Canberra, Australia
Registration date : 2009-03-31

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptySat Jun 20, 2009 12:24 am

Wow Dashiell, that's the top ten of celebrity morons?

By and large I agree with that list, though Adam Sandler would take out the number 2 spot for me. Apart from You don't mess with the Zohan, I don't like anything much he's been in - and his fans actually hate this movie!

I also find Hugh Grant's approach repetitive and annoying, but that said I quite liked the opening MV he did for Music and Lyrics.

Ben Affleck and Bill Murray would also appear on my list. Mind you, up until say 10 years ago, Bill would have sat favourably with me, but as he's aged he's grown more introspective and up himself.

And of course, Seagal at number 1...
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Number of posts : 40
Registration date : 2009-04-08

Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate   Actors/Actresses you hate to love...and love to hate EmptyWed Jun 24, 2009 11:59 am

I hate Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris and Dolph Lundgren. Not love to hate, just hate. I cannot watch anything they appear in. Give me Jim Kelly and Fred Williamson in a bad 70's flick any day.
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