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 Mobile devices

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Male Number of posts : 172
Age : 42
Location : Canberra, Australia
Registration date : 2009-03-31

Mobile devices Empty
PostSubject: Mobile devices   Mobile devices EmptyFri Jun 19, 2009 1:42 am

Hey everyone! I'm typing this message on my gfs iPod touch and I have to say it certainly makes it a much more frustrating experience. I don't know how kids get such a thrill at not being able to see what they are typing clearly, especially with how difficult it is to tap away mindlessly at keys that are around half the size of your fingertips! Anyway, given my current vantage point, what does everyone think of mobile devices and modern life. Do they enrich or enslave?

Well I kind of guess this whole post is an excuse for me to rant and use my gfs iPod touch.

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